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Call 911 for emergencies.  For emergencies on Peachtree Street, also call Midtown Blue at
For any emergencies concerning the physical property, call Scott Carter, Property Manager, at 770.517.7743

Ansley Park Security Co-op Members
After calling 911, Ansley Park Security Co-op members should call the Security Co-op at 678-896-2309.
If there is an officer on duty at that time, he or she will respond.
Then call Security Co-op operations—Jane Harmon at 404-892-2491—to report the incident.
The Co-op will follow up with you later. 
See below for a link to sign up for the Ansley Park Security Co-op.
Security Recommendations
Please keep your front door lights on all night. Many residents use a timer to control the lighting.
An unsecured vehicle is an easy target for a thief. Keep unattended cars locked. Do not leave anything
in view in a vehicle. An exposed cellular phone, bag, umbrella, or even papers are an easy target.
To keep our neighborhood secure, we recommend all homeowners join the Ansley Park Security Co-op.
The Co-op also provides off duty police patrols in the neighborhood and will have an officer periodically check a member's home when the member is away. Click          to sign up.
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